Braves cut ties with Adam Duvall to make room for top prospects

The Atlanta Braves are ready to welcome the youth movement.

The Braves are expected to be down two outfielders at the start of the 2021 season, with Marcell Ozuna and now Adam Duvall heading to greener pastures. Ozuna will receive a large multi-year free agent deal the Braves don’t want to match, while Duvall was non-tendered on Wednesday. Despite his 16 home run performance this season, Duvall is not the consistent power threat his stat-line might suggest.

Duvall’s stat-line is full of outliers. His multi home run games make for a fun story throughout the season, but by no means is Duvall an All-Star talent. Atlanta’s top prospects, however, have that kind of potential.

Should Braves fans expect to see Cristian Pache or Drew Waters in the starting nine?

Pache is the Braves top prospect, and he’s been virtually untouchable in trade talks in recent seasons. He received some playing time in the MLB postseason, proving the Braves deem him MLB-ready right now. He’ll get a chance to prove himself in Spring Training, and assuming Atlanta doesn’t make any move to improve their outfield with veteran talent, he’s got to be a frontrunner to secure one of the corner outfield spots.

Waters, meanwhile, is more of a toss-up. The Braves have been linked to several stars on the trade block so far this offseason. Any trade for Blake Snell or otherwise might involve Waters, as he’s still blocked by Pache, Ronald Acuña and Ender Inciarte despite recent roster decisions.

Regardless, the Braves are making a commitment to their young talent. Their time is now, whether they’re ready or not.

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